.. _quickstart_pymc: Quickstart with PyMC ==================== sunode is available on conda-forge. You can setup an environmet to use conda-forge package if you don't have that already, and install sunode::: conda create -n sunode-env conda activate sunode-env conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --set channel_priority strict conda install sunode You can also checkout the development version and install that::: git clone git@github.com:aseyboldt/sunode # Or if no ssh key is configured: git clone https://github.com/aseyboldt/sunode cd sunode conda install --only-deps sunode pip install -e . Installing the development version on Windows requires a compatible visual studio version. Sampling Bayesian models with Hamiltonian MCMC involving an ODE is where the features of sunode shine. We need to solve the ODE (ofter rather small ODEs) a large number of times, so Python overhead will hurt us a lot, and we need to compute gradients as well. Sunode provides some utility functions that make it easy to include an ODE into a PyMC model. If you want to use it in a different context, see :ref:`usage-basic`. We will use the Lotka-Volterra equations as example: .. math:: \frac{dH}{dt} = \alpha H - \beta LH \\ \frac{dL}{dt} = \delta LH - \gamma L We'll use some time artificial data::: import numpy as np import sunode import sunode.wrappers.as_pytensor import pymc as pm times = np.arange(1900,1921,1) lynx_data = np.array([ 4.0, 6.1, 9.8, 35.2, 59.4, 41.7, 19.0, 13.0, 8.3, 9.1, 7.4, 8.0, 12.3, 19.5, 45.7, 51.1, 29.7, 15.8, 9.7, 10.1, 8.6 ]) hare_data = np.array([ 30.0, 47.2, 70.2, 77.4, 36.3, 20.6, 18.1, 21.4, 22.0, 25.4, 27.1, 40.3, 57.0, 76.6, 52.3, 19.5, 11.2, 7.6, 14.6, 16.2, 24.7 ]) We also define a function for the right-hand-side of the ODE::: def lotka_volterra(t, y, p): """Right hand side of Lotka-Volterra equation. All inputs are dataclasses of sympy variables, or in the case of non-scalar variables numpy arrays of sympy variables. """ return { 'hares': p.alpha * y.hares - p.beta * y.lynxes * y.hares, 'lynxes': p.delta * y.hares * y.lynxes - p.gamma * y.lynxes, } .. note:: For more details about how this function behaves, see :ref:`rhs-function`. In the next step we define priors for our parameters in PyMC. To illustrate that the parameters do not have to be PyMC variables themselves, but can also be derived though some computations, we put priors not on :math:`\alpha, \beta, \gamma` and :math:`\delta`, but on parameters like the frequency of the hare-lynx cycle and the steady-state ratio of hares to lynxes.:: with pm.Model() as model: hares_start = pm.HalfNormal('hares_start', sigma=50) lynx_start = pm.HalfNormal('lynx_start', sigma=50) ratio = pm.Beta('ratio', alpha=0.5, beta=0.5) fixed_hares = pm.HalfNormal('fixed_hares', sigma=50) fixed_lynx = pm.Deterministic('fixed_lynx', ratio * fixed_hares) period = pm.Gamma('period', mu=10, sigma=1) freq = pm.Deterministic('freq', 2 * np.pi / period) log_speed_ratio = pm.Normal('log_speed_ratio', mu=0, sigma=0.1) speed_ratio = np.exp(log_speed_ratio) # Compute the parameters of the ode based on our prior parameters alpha = pm.Deterministic('alpha', freq * speed_ratio * ratio) beta = pm.Deterministic('beta', freq * speed_ratio / fixed_hares) gamma = pm.Deterministic('gamma', freq / speed_ratio / ratio) delta = pm.Deterministic('delta', freq / speed_ratio / fixed_hares / ratio) Now, we define the names, (symbolic) values and shapes of the parameters and initial values:: with model: y0 = { # The initial number of hares is the random variable `hares_start`, # and it has shape (), so it is a scalar value. 'hares': (hares_start, ()), 'lynxes': (lynx_start, ()), } params = { 'alpha': (alpha, ()), 'beta': (beta, ()), 'gamma': (gamma, ()), 'delta': (delta, ()), # Parameters (or initial states) do not have to be random variables, # they can also be fixed numpy values. In this case the shape # is infered automatically. Sunode will not compute derivatives # with respect to fixed parameters or initial states. 'unused_extra': np.zeros(5), } We solve the ODE using the ``solve_ivp`` function from sunode:: with model: from sunode.wrappers.as_pytensor import solve_ivp solution, *_ = solve_ivp( y0=y0, params=params, rhs=lotka_volterra, # The time points where we want to access the solution tvals=times, t0=times[0], ) We are only missing the likelihood now:: with model: # We can access the individual variables of the solution using the # variable names. pm.Deterministic('hares_mu', solution['hares']) pm.Deterministic('lynxes_mu', solution['lynxes']) sd = pm.HalfNormal('sd') pm.LogNormal('hares', mu=solution['hares'], sigma=sd, observed=hare_data) pm.LogNormal('lynxes', mu=solution['lynxes'], sigma=sd, observed=lynx_data) We can sample from the posterior with the gradient-based PyMC samplers::: with model: trace = pm.sample() At the moment it is unfortunately not possible to pickle the ODE solver (I'm working on an implementation), so sampling with multiple chains is only possible, if the python multiprocessing is using forks instead of spawning new processes. This is the default on Linux, but on Mac it has to be specified manually:: import multiprocessing as mp mp.set_start_method('fork') Windows does not support this at all. You can however disable parallel sampling by setting ``cores=1`` in ``pm.sample()``. diff --git a/doc/source/quickstart_pymc3.rst b/doc/source/quickstart_pymc3.rst